No. Counters No. of Lots Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. FraserCenter Point Trust 30 1.845 55,350.00 25.0% 2. SPH 7 4.18 29,260.00 13.0% 2. Vicom 6 4.86 29,160.00 13.0% 4. FraserCommercial Trust 14 1.24 17,360.00 8.0% 5. Neratel 20 0.725 14,500.00 7.0% 6. First Reit 13 1.12…
When do you reject a higher paying job?
I was recently offered a position in the finance department of a construction industry that pays in excess of 20% on top of my current salary. It tempted me without saying. I imagine having to earn an extra 20% a year and even through stocks or property that wouldn’t be easy. So having done the…
SPH FY2013 – Hold on or Let go
When SPH announces its FY13 results on Friday after market close, investors would be most pleased to hear that they will pay a final and special dividend of 15 cents/share, which is down 2 cents from the previous year of 17 cents/share. Combined with the 18 cents special dividends given earlier, it brings the total…
Life is all “About Time”
About a year ago, I’ve written an article about a movie called “click” (link here) which allows the user to travel forward in time in order to bypass the period in life which may seem monotonous, difficult and unpleasant. Yesterday, I’ve watched a movie with my wife (celebrating the end of my exam) called “About…
Time to rejoice over Earnings Season
First, I would like to apologize for my inactive posting over the past week due to having to rush out reports for my group projects as well as preparing for the upcoming exams this Saturday (ohh noo… I am mentally unprepared). Anyway, the big news over the past week has been the US shutdown and…
“Cash-Rich” Companies listed in SGX
During the last FOMC meeting, the FED has announced that no tapering of Quantitative Easing (QE) will be done. Suddenly, investors rejoice and the party continues to run on steroids. People are looking once more to enter on risky assets or companies with high leverage to maximize their returns while the FED is sustaining the…
The Chronological Way of Looking at Dividend Income
So you’re all set, geared up and ready to set out on your financial freedom journey. Or you might already been there halfway like myself. Wherever you are in your journey, you might already earned your own first pie of your dividend income. Different people have different ways of looking and utilizing their dividend income….
“Sep 13″ – SG Transactions & Portfolio Update”
No. Counters No. of Lots Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. FraserCenter Point Trust 26 1.84 47,840.00 23.0% 2. Vicom 6 4.91 29,460.00 14.0% 3. SPH 6 4.10 24,600.00 12.0% 4. FraserCommercial Trust 14 1.23 17,220.00 8.0% 5. Neratel 20 0.74 14,800.00 7.0% 6. First Reit 13 1.055…
Jardine Cycle & Carriage – Is valuations getting attractive? – Part 2
We know that much of Jardine’s C&C earnings are dependent almost entirely on how Astra would perform as their earnings contributed 93% of Jardine’s earnings. The other 7% or so would go to the “Other Motor Interests” business they have with Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. Therefore, any adverse changes in the political, social, economic and…
Jardine Cycle & Carriage – Is valuations getting attractive?
Jardine Cycle & Carriage is one of the leading bluechip Singapore listed company and a member of the Jardine Matheson Group. It has an interest of over 50% in Astra, a premier listed Indonesian conglomerate, as well as other motor interests in SEA. This is a company which has yields over ROE > 20% in…