Many retail investors are usually not trained or equipped with the right skills to do analysis of a company. Because of this, they don’t usually draw an analysis of companies more in-depth than those analysts working in the sell-side. There may be an exception of one or two who does provide a balance view in…
A Couple of Thoughts During This Bear Market
I’ll pen a quick few thoughts about what I see in the current bear market environment. Most investors are aware by now that bear markets are part of investing in the stock market. This is partially because one of the more recent and worst bear market condition occurred not too long ago in 2008 so…
AGM (Fraser CenterPoint Trust – FCT) + Q1 FY16 Results
This is going to be a rather long post as I’ll be covering both the AGM and Q1 results released this evening. I’ve been to FCT AGM 4 out of the last 5 years so I am pretty familiar with many of the faces around. Last year, I attended the AGM for FCOT which was…
CapitaCommercial Trust (CCT) – FY15 Results Review
This is my second consecutive coverage for the quarter for CCT which I am vested in. For the previous quarter, you can find them here. The trust reported their full year earnings this morning. CCT managed to record a 2.1% increase year on year on their distributable income, which translates into a 1.9% increase in DPU…
“Jan 16″ – SG Transactions & Portfolio Update”
No. Counters No. of Shares Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. OCBC 5,000 7.95 39,750.00 12.0% 2. China Merchant Pacific 45,000 0.80 36,000.00 10.0% 3. ST Engineering 11,000 2.88 31,680.00 9.0% 4. Ho Bee Land 16,000 1.95 31,200.00 9.0% 5. Kingsmen 37,000 0.65 24,050.00 7.0% 6. Fraser Centerpoint…
How Much Should Sembcorp Industries Be Worth?
The last time I have anything to do with Sembcorp Industries (SCI) was when I divested the shares last year back in April 2015 at a price of $4.84 (Link Here). Back then, my main concern was their increasing debt (consolidated) and weakening in their utilities function, along with the relatively fair (not cheap) valuation…
Keppel Corp – Are There Hope At The End of The Tunnel?
Keppel Corp has once been a darling blue chip for investors. However, the recent news regarding oil glut has sent many O&G companies like Keppel and SembCorp down the spiral, so fast to the point that they were constantly dropping almost 5% to 7% every day until they form a new low. The stock…
Save When You Shop This Chinese New Year Promotions
The key to a rich mentality is always about having the two important equation balanced out well. While it is important that that we strive to increase our earnings, we need to subconsciously realize that the other end of the savings is also important. Today, I will be introducing a platform where you can do…
Recent Action – Ho Bee Land
This will just be a short update into what I have been accumulating so far. I have written a couple of articles in the past about the company that I believe will do well for the company. If you are interested, you can find them here: Recent Action – HoBee Land – 1…
S-Reits – Jan 2016 Update
The last time I wrote an article on the updates on Reits was back in September 2015 (here) when the market has just experienced a black Monday incident. I’ve personally owned a few reits in my portfolio so I have a natural vested interest in what was going on in the reits environment. Given…