Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to have a degree in economics or finance in order to achieve financial independence. There are a lot of courses out there that sells on scheme on how to get rich quickly but they might not be feasible to most people. You’ll be surprised to learn that obtaining…
What People Misunderstood About Financial Independence
There was an article I read online which depicts on how the norms look at financial independence and what their perception is. You can read it here. “If only I had a million dollar right now, I would right away resign from my current job”… This was what everyone had in mind when they think of…
Managing Money Issues After Marriage Life
Flirting over money issues can ruin a potential marriage life. There are many couples that have conflicting money values that there can often be arguments seen on how a household should save and spend money. The common belief that men should handle all the financial planning while the women handle the day to day chores…
“May 16” – SG Transactions & Portfolio Update”
No. Counters No. of Shares Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. OCBC 6,000 8.45 50,700.00 13.0% 2. Kingsmen 80,000 0.63 50,400.00 13.0% 3. Ho Bee Land 22,000 2.19 48,180.00 12.0% 4. China Merchant Pacific 45,000 1.01 45,450.00 12.0% 5. IReit Global 62,000 0.72 44,640.00 11.0% 6. ST Engineering…
Manulife Reit IPO Balloting Results
Manulife Reit balloting results just came out in late evening which I thought I will just update here. If you would like to see my earlier analysis on the IPO, you can view here. The Placement tranche of 350,782,200 units were oversubscribed and 45,787,100 units for the public offer were 1.6x oversubscribed. This actually pales in…
S-Reits – May 16 Update
We are almost half way into the end of the first half of the year so I think it’s good that we do another round of review on the latest S-Reits universe update. For those who are interested in the last quarterly update, you can view them here where the theme was on gearing and sensitivity risk of…
My Thoughts on the Manulife Reit IPO
I spent the weekend reading the prospectus of Manulife Reit as part of my case study to understand the different set up for Reits better and thought I’ll summarized my findings below. You might recall in late July last year, Manulife was planning to launch their Reits IPO but pulled out towards the end due…
Nam Lee Metals – H1 FY16 Results & Thoughts
Nam Lee reported their half yearly results last Friday which I quickly want to update after my last post on the company a year ago. The company has continued from their momentum last year to churn out good operational performance this half yearly and this is evident from the 27.4% increase year on year from…
Recent Action – Capitaland Commercial Trust (CCT)
My last coverage for CCT was done back in Jan when I reviewed their FY15 results. You can view them here. On Friday, the market went down more and I managed to pick up more CCT at a price of $1.38 for 7,000 shares. My first buy for CCT was at an average price of $1.33,…
Ireit Global – Q1 FY16 Results Review
Ireit Global has announced their first quarterly results this evening which I thought was pretty good and fell within my expectations. Readers who are new to the blog can read my recent Ireit AGM review here. The huge increase year on year and also with the forecast on the revenue and net property income was due…