No. Counters No. of Shares Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. CDL Hospitality Trust 50,000 1.405 70,250.00 14.0% 2. Ireit Global 73,000 0.725 52,925.00 11.0% 3. Fraser Logistic Trust 40,000 0.94 37,600.00 8.0% 4. Lippo Mall Trust 80,000 0.37 29,600.00 6.0% 5. Kingsmen 45,000 0.64 28,800.00 6.0% 6….
Recent Action – Sabana Reit
I made my first transaction for 2017 that I’ve monitored for quite some time. Sabana Reit is probably one of the most hated Reits in the whole universe of S-reits at the moment. And they are rightfully so. Investors who has been with them since the IPO has seen the share price go up to…
2nd Chance Properties On Issuance of Bonus Warrants
The management of 2nd Chance Properties announced a proposed bonus issue of free warrants on the basis of One bonus Warrant for every One existing ordinary share to the shareholders. The size of the bonus warrants issued is as much as the paid-up share capital of the company, which is currently at 755,396,152. The enlarged…
Sniffing Opportunities in 2017
The market has only been trading for about 3 days since we enter 2017 and it has been on a strong run upwards. The STI for instance, has increased by about 70 points for the last 3 days and it looks like it will continue to surge higher upwards. They are still reasonably cheap by…
2016 Review & 2017 New Year Resolution
This week is reflection period as we clocked down 2016 to the last day of the year. Personal Objective is always something personal which I look back from time to time to see where the indication of the goal is. They are not exhaustive by any measure but they give a direction to where I…
Recent Action – LMIRT
This will be a quick update on my latest addition to the portfolio as I tried to allocate some capital from the profits made on Spackman sold this week. I added 80,000 shares of LMIRT at a price of $0.37. My rough calculation tells me that’s about 9% yield on the dividend. People who know…
2016 XIRR Portfolio Return and Key Takeaways
I always do this every year just to quickly see where I stand beside the benchmark, which in this case is the STI ETF. XIRR is not an exhaustive measure for performance because it depends on many various factors, such as whether it includes cash. Mine did not include cash consideration otherwise it would have…
“Dec 16” – SG Transactions & Portfolio Update”
No. Counters No. of Shares Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. IReit Global 73,000 0.73 53,290.00 11.0% 2. CDL Hospitality Trust 40,000 1.31 52,400.00 11.0% 3. Fraser Logistic Trust 40,000 0.92 36,800.00 8.0% 4. Spackman 150,000 0.19 28,950.00 6.0% 5. M1 15,000 1.93 28,950.00 6.0% 6. Kingsmen 45,000…
Recent Action – CDL Hospitality Trust
This should be my last action for the year as I tried to wrap up 2016 and preparing for the new upcoming and exciting year. I accumulated CDL Hospitality Trust for 33,000 shares at a price of $1.31. Together with the existing I have, I now own 40,000 shares of CDLHT. This becomes immediately my…
Recent Action – M1
An announcement was made yesterday that TPG is the confirmed 4th telco operator in Singapore. It made a winning bid of $105 million for the spectrum on offer and was 3x the preferential reserve price of $35 million. TPG will be allocated 2 x 10MHz in the 900 MHz and 40 MHz in the 2.3GHz…