Apologies for the lack of posting in the past couple of weeks as I’ve been swamped with work lately due to the unexpected internal audit coming in to audit the company. Together with financial year end audit, that means two audits going on at the same time, which is not a very nice one to…
Sea Ltd (NYSE: SE) – Turning a Profit on All 3 Segments + Revised Valuation
Sea Ltd (NYSE: SE) announced Q4 FY22 and Full-Year results last evening which came in favourably on the eye of the beholder. I have written a few pieces of articles in the past relating to SEA, my last piece was back in May last year for its Q1 FY22 when sentiment was really poor at…
Feb 2023 – Portfolio Transactions & Update
A quick update on the February portfolio as the day passes so swiftly in a relatively shorter month. As expected from the previous update, we are expecting a pullback from the Chinese and HK equity market after its relentless performance in the first month of the year. These pullbacks are healthy and will be nothing…
Elite Commercial REIT – Is 9% Yield Good Enough for Investors?
Elite Commercial Reit (SGX: MXNU) debuted its IPO at £0.68 back in February 2020 right before Covid struck. If you had held this REIT from IPO right until now, you would probably just sit slightly underwater as it has given out £0.15 from dividends so far. Not too bad if you ask me given how…
The Biggest Risk to Financial Independence Early Retirement Is the Sequence of Return and Withdrawals
Financial Independence has been an agenda movement devoted to a systematic programming of financial prudence – which includes increasing income, extreme savings, and higher investment pots. The 1992 best-selling book Your Money or Your Life by Vicky Robin is thought provoking for many salaried workers because it challenges the behaviour norms of many people. The…
Does Market Timing Works Better Than DCA?
One of the most favourite pastimes for economists, analysts and investors alike in the early part of the year is to make market prediction on where the stock market will be heading. Ipsos Global ran a similar survey and research report on the outlook of 2023, including where the economy and stock market is heading…
Jan 2023 – Portfolio Transactions & Update
The first month of the New Year always brings excitement to investors and this year is no different. The stock market has been doing so well and going so smoothly this year so far that it seems like most of us have forgotten what a difficult year last year was. I was checking my brokerage…
Ryan Cohen Builds Alibaba Stake and Pushes for More Share Buyback
There was a time last year when one bad news after another just kept getting into Chinese stocks – in particular Alibaba and the media could not stop heaping onto it. This year, it was the opposite, although I can’t help but feel the media was sensationalising the news a bit too much attention. Ryan…
Why It Is So Difficult to Build Wealth by Shorting a Stock?
The fundamental idea behind shorting a stock is to predict on a stock’s downtrend movement and profit from it. If we were to implement this strategy last year, we would have made lots of money from it as the global market plummeted from the fear of rising inflation and interest rates. Surely, it’s a no…
3Fs CPF Review 2022 | FRS Target In Sight 2023
First order of the day in the New Year is to quickly check how far away or close you are from the Full Retirement Sum (FRS) goal after the interests for the year have been credited. The FRS is the gold standard meant to safeguard our retirement and is the maximum amount that would be…