In the spirit of supporting my good friend’s Chris in his next upcoming talk on achieving financial independence with Reits, I have decided to do a blogpost on it which I’ve been wanting to do it but have very little time and interests in the past to do it. If you still have not registered…
Dividend Income Updates – Q3 FY2018
I am writing this dividend update in an attempt to compile my quarterly dividend performance for the year. The theme for this year dividend income updates will be based on my understanding of the advantage of dividend investing and that is to compound dividends for as early as we can, for as long as we…
How Do You Negotiate Your Next Pay Rise?
As a minor retail investor like myself, income has always been an important determinant over the years as part of our capital size on top of the other factors such as savings rate and capital allocation. It is therefore important that we do equally well in our human capital ability and measure it the same…
Far East Hospitality Trust – Q2 FY18 Results & Thoughts
Far East Hospitality Trust (FEHT) announced their Q2 FY18 results which was very much under expectations as we saw topline increases 10.2% year on year and DPU increases by 4.1%. The results is in line with my expectations when I blogged about them about 3 months ago which you can find here. If you have attended…
What Should Your Networth Be At 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s
This is something that I think a lot of people are benchmarking their networth to. Often, I receive email asking if they’ve done good enough by accumulating $X at the age of Y. To be honest, any answer you may get is going to be arbitrary at best because every single permutations depend on many…
Some Updates So Far
I just wanted to document a few updates so far that are happening right now. I tendered my resignation from my current company which I’ve been working for 6 years now to take on a new role outside the Group. The decision has not been easy to make mostly due to the great knit connection…
Wheelock Privatization Shows Why Deep Value Investing Is So Difficult To Execute For Perfection
After a few days of trading halt, there’s finally news that Wheelock Properties will be privatized. Wheelock Properties have been a deep value asset play for a very long time especially for investors who buy based on the premise of a net cash position, their relative valuation to the one listed in HK and waiting…
Getting Superior Returns From The Only Two Companies Thanos Has Yet To Destroy
Let’s assume a scenario where Thanos uses his infinity stones to destroy all the universe but two companies remain. These are companies that remain in sgx listed where one company possess the best growth character in terms of large cap and another company that has the best defensive character. The two remaining companies in the…
“Jul 18″ – SG Transactions & Portfolio Update”
No. Counters No. of Shares Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. Vicom 27,000 6.20 167,400.00 25.0% 2. Frasers Logistic Trust 126,000 1.06 133,560.00 20.0% 3. M1 75,000 1.61 120,750.00 18.0% 4. Singtel 37,000 3.24 119,880.00 18.0% 5. Far East Hospitality Trust 100,000 0.66 66,000.00 10.0% 6. Starhill…
This Is The Reason Why People Fear The Stock Market
The stock market is not a place where everyone gathers and make money. The market is brutal and can hurt those who does not take it seriously. Today’s brutal session in the market shows why people generally fear and avoid the stock market. The STI index drops about 2.1% today on session close and it…