Since I am coming up close to a decade of investing since I started my financial independence journey in 2009, I thought I’ll do a trilogy of articles on the “rewinding back to history” to remind myself how far the journey has been, and hopefully this can also inspire others who are keen to take…
Recent Action – Frasers Logistic Trust (FLT)
I wanted to take this time to quickly update on my latest position. After the recent run-up to most of the S-Reits which I believe is near valuation peak over the past 10 years (apart from 2015), I have decided to lock in my gains and divested Frasers Logistic Trust (FLT) yesterday at a price…
Dividend Investing Is Actually Growth Investing In Disguise
Even though I spend a lot of time writing and circulating about my dividend focused strategies, I am not entirely opposed to anyone who focuses on profit growth strategies that meet the needs of their own portfolios. Both dividend investing and growth investing have their own merits. I mean, if we look at the classic…
7 Key Highlights From Ho Bee’s Q4 & FY18 Results
Ho Bee Land Limited is a property developer and investing company which has developments in various parts of Australia, China and United Kingdom, on top of their home base in Singapore. The company recently announced their Q4 FY18 results which continues to be promising. In this article, I will expand my thoughts on their results…
Shopback Is My Main Source For Savings Rebates Mechanism
Many people distinguish their spending power and savings ability and treat them as two totally different functions. This is especially evident for the middle income group who thinks they must be separated because they serve for different purpose. However, the key to a rich mentality is always about having the two important equation balanced out…
Dividend Income Updates – Q1 FY19
With all the earnings announcement done and dusted for the companies I’m vested in, it’s that time of the quarter where I’m ready to tally the amount of dividends that I will be receiving this quarter. For readers who are new to this blog, this is a sequence of exercise that I’ve been doing for…
Is Tenant Concentration A Risk To Your Reits Portfolio?
Following my last article which I wrote on Ireit Global, there’s been a good amount of discussion from readers regarding the concern on tenant concentration that surrounds Ireit’s leasing activity over the past couple of years. I am here to provide my own thoughts based on my working knowledge and a good balance discussion of…
IReit Global – NAV Up By 11.6% For FY18
This is a Reit I used to own in the past because of its strong profile then divested them due to the change in the manager and the possibility of an equity call because of its high gearing. Since then, they have done extremely well to mitigate by lowering their payout from 100% to 90%…
5 Tax Concession Changes To Take Note For The Singapore Budget 2019
The much anticipated Singapore Budget of 2019 was conducted yesterday by our Singapore Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat, which was widely followed amongst Singaporeans and Resident Individuals. I noted some of the changes related to some of the tax concessions which I am interested in: 1.) Personal Income Tax Rebate For YA 2019 As part…
Sasseur Reit – DPU For FY18 Exceeds IPO Forecast By 12.6%
Sasseur Reit reports their Q4 and FY18 results this evening which impresses. To recap, Sasseur is using a concessionary business model where retailers pay a fixed sum or percentage of revenue to the operator and it outsources the running of the retail malls operations such as the merchandising, cashiering, store management back to all the…