Buying a home probably ranks as one of the most important milestone in our lives. After all, it is a huge investment that we have to pay upfront and will have to service for the most part of our working lives. Hence, it is common for people to think of their home as an investment…
Why You Should Apply For Approved In Principle (AIP) Before Buying Your Ideal Private Property?
Buying your first property can be confusing and time consuming because of the regulation changes that you need to keep up to and remain relevant to these changes. But whatever the changes are, they are ultimately down to how much the banks are willing to loan based on the regulations of the Tdsr and your…
Sep 19 – Portfolio & Networth Update
No. Counters No. of Shares Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. Starhub (Short) 120,000 1.35 162,000.00 15.0% 2. HK Land 10,000 US$5.75 79,350.00 15.0% 3. Far East Hospitality Trust 3,000 0.69 2,070.00 0.4% 4. Ho Bee Land 300 2.29 670.00 …
How My Work In Start-Up Firm Is Different From My Other Corporate Roles
As some of you might know, I had to reverse my sabbatical plan and return back to work due to some circumstances back home. I’ve completed the first full week of my new role in the startup firm so I thought I put down some thoughts on how is it different from my other corporate…
Whatcard Is Here To Make Our Lives Easier And Better
Most people think of savings in the traditional way where you keep the leftover of what you have in your bank accounts after spending. But what if I tell you that you could actually save even when you’re spending. Back in the 1950s, Diners club founder Frank Mcnamara first introduced a novel method of paying for purchases to merchants…
Is There Light At The End of The Tunnel For SPH (SGX: T39) ?
Following my recent article on Starhub, I’ve received a few inquiries from readers regarding what I think about SPH and if their current valuations are fair. SPH has been a very good dividend payers for many years in the past and is a past time favorite for dividend investors so I can understand if there…
Why I Think Starhub Is Going Down To $1
I took up a pretty substantial short position for Starhub today at a price of $1.35. Starhub Limited is no stranger to most Singaporeans, as we probably use their services one way or another. At the peak of their share price, Starhub was trading at $4.13 back in 2014, but have since seen declining numbers…
Aug 19 – Portfolio & Networth Update
No. Counters No. of Shares Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Allocation % 1. HK Land 10,000 US$5.43 74,934.00 15.0% 2. Far East Hospitality Trust 3,000 0.65 1,950.00 0.4% 3. Ho Bee Land 300 2.30 690.00 0.1% 4. Warchest 423,000.00 84.5% Total 500,574.00 100%…
A Relook Back Into The 2016 Bear Case And What I Did To Get The Most Out Of It
The Trade War is escalating. You can feel that coming as investors as you read the news that both Trump and Xi had continuously been playing a game of cat and mouse and it appears there’s no way both could get a mutual agreement that might compromise one another. Last night was a bloodbath as…
Jardine Matheson Holdings (SGX: J36) – Valuations Getting Attractive BUT…..
Jardine Matheson Holdings (SGX: J36) has been on a tear this year, dropping by as much as 23% in 2019, mainly due to the intensifying global trade tension, protests in Hongkong and slowing businesses in particular the auto sales, putting the company as one of the worst performer in the STI index. As a contrarian…