Anyone went for an early Christmas shopping yet? Today, I initiated a position on Ascott Reit, one of the few reits which I have much interest in and I must say I am delighted to get them. I have been monitoring the shares back when there was a european crisis in 2011. Back then, the…
BUY target call from UOB Kay for 2013
Singapore Strategy – Screening Out Yield Stocks With High ROE Screening for ideas. In a low interest rate environment, we believe stocks offering sustainable high dividend yield will continue to outperform. We screen stocks with attractive dividend yield and high ROE for BUY ideas. This report highlights our top picks based on this screening exercise….
Initiated position – Second Chance Properties Ltd
I initiated a small position at Second Chance today. For those who are new to Second Chance, its main core business, led by the great founder and CEO – Mohamed Salleh are mainly in the Retailing of Apparel, Retailing of Gold Jewellery and Property Investment. The main attractiveness of this stock which I think is…
Black Friday Shopping – Boom vs Recession
Black Friday shopping during bull booming year: Black Friday shopping during recession: So what is the difference!!!??? Yes, you are right. Americans don’t give a care whether storm, recession or fiscal cliff coming at them. When it is time for black friday shopping, they are a bunch of crazy people and shop as if…
Generation Y: Highly educated, Highly in debt, Underemployed
Gen Y, betterly known as those ranging from 18 to 29 years old, are aplenty these days with highly qualified college degrees and masters but sadly underemployed and many even coupled with college debts. Members of Gen Y — with some 92 millions people have the propensity to be more like their grandparents than their…
“Nov 12” – Transactions & Portfolio Update
Counters No. of Lots Average Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on average price Market Price (SGD) Total Value (SGD) based on market price Total Dividends collected (SGD) since purchase ST Engineering 5 2.82 14,100.00 3.50 17,500.00 1,240.00 SIA Engineering 3 4.12 12,360.00 4.24 12,720.00 210.00 Noble 2 1.12 2,240.00 1.06 2,120.00 0.00 FraserCenter Point…
Handicapping your shot at a top MBA Business School
Here’s an interesting article from Ms. Sandy Kreisberg, a former adcom committee and now the founder of admission consulting firm HBSGuru, on the odds of typical applicants to the top MBA school. Nothing is concrete, as it is in this world. But if you are one of those thinking to apply to these top MBAs…
Living towards the world in 2020 and beyond
Ever imagine how the world will looks like in 2020 and beyond? Below is a clip of how the world could possibly looks like in 2020 and beyond and a few I must say are some pretty interesting concept which might well come true. You have learned from the past and live from the present. How will…
Dividend Screening
Dividend Screening Forecast dividend yield > 4% Payout dividends for at least 3 consecutive years Latest fiscal year’s dividends > previous year’s dividends Average daily traded value > S$100k Source: KimEng Dividend Screen
Still not convinced on the effects of compounding??
So you’ve heard of this magic. Not the magic of David Blaine that I’m talking about but the magic of compounding. It doesn’t take a math or finance expert to understand it’s magic. So we have people around us who probably have heard but yet did not act on it. Still not convinced on the magic of compounding?…