Buying, renting or selling a property is easily the biggest, if not one of the biggest financial commitments you will ever make in your lifetime. There are tons of steps that you have to get yourself familiarize with, not to mention the ever changing rules from the government. Because of this, you have to get yourself acquainted with some of these information to get yourself up to date.
To check on the articles I’ve written and the experience we have undergone so far, you may read some of my past articles link below. If you are looking at various financing options available, you may use the scroll link below to find out more on the type of loans available to you and/or different rates across the banks in Singapore.

Why You Should Apply For Approved In Principle (AIP) Before Buying Your Ideal Private Property?
A New Segment On CNA93.8 “Open Show” Property Discussion
The Jubilation and Tribulations of Moving House
The Pros & Cons of Refinancing Your Home – 3foreverfinancialfreedom (3Fs) Financial Independence
We Are Moving (Back) Places Again – Part 1 – 3foreverfinancialfreedom (3Fs) Financial Independence