I thought I’ll do a quick update to the portfolio since there was some very small addition to the portfolio this month (which actually barely move the needle) after coming back from a 3.5 weeks break.
My trip to both UAE and Europe were very fruitful as our family get to experience many things while battling with a few colds and fever when we were there. In Europe in particular, we loved the weather and the vibe at Barcelona and after spending about a week there, we moved up north to Southern France and small little country, Andorra before making our way to Milan and Florence where we spent another week there.
These holidays are small little motivation for us to work hard during the year and to do it again as a reward for doing so.

Portfolio Updates
I’ve added just a small tiny little shares for a few companies I had in mind since I will need to utilize the vouchers in my brokerage accounts (link here and here) before it expires at the end of the year. USMART SG is currently offering an attractive interest rates reward promotion for both SGD and USD where users can earn up to 4.8% on their idle funds. You may read the details here.
These are so far the two brokerages I used for my US and HK trades.
Most of these vouchers were in the form of USD15 and USD10 so I had to split my transactions a few times but since there was no minimum amount and commission trade is free, I had a go at it.
So far, I have added 1 share of Alibaba (existing) and 4 shares of Apple (new position) to further increase my position in the portfolio.
I also wrote a couple of options for SPY and Tesla, but the latter proves to be more exciting as the loyal Musk fans are starting to crack as the share price goes further southwards. They should have a nice rebound over the next couple of days after ending Tuesday at the lower bound of the range and it should test the EMA over the next couple of days back to around the $150 level.

As a quick round-up, the portfolio closes just slightly above the $1m mark after closing Dec higher than the previous month.
While I do think that the worst is over for Chinese stocks, I am not hoping for a quick recovery in 2023 as the global economy seems to hit a brake which would dent growth for many companies in the months to come. This is also the reason why I am hesitant to add much of US shares at the moment as I wanted to continue my approach towards DCA and add slowly at a time like I did with the Chinese stocks.
Meanwhile, 3Fs wishing everyone an upcoming Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to a better 2023. See you soon.

If you have not followed my social channels, you may want to do so as I frequently post ideas and thoughts in those channels so if you are interested, you may follow me at my Facebook, Instagram or Twitter profile here.
Hi Brian, beautiful holiday pics! Nice to see you visit Andorra, I got to know of them because they keep getting trashed in European and World Cup qualifying!
Wish you a great 2023 to you and your Family.
Hi Jalan jalan
Thank you, hope you had a good break as well towards the end of the year.
Wishing you a great end to 2022 and a better 2023 to come ahead.
thanks for your sharing of your portfolio.
It helps me with deciding what stock to look out for .
I am reading your blog post but i dont know if it is because i mis-read cos i read that your portfolio performance for this year was down by 30%.
But in this post , you are posting a huge increase in networth (NW). > 100% increase in NW compared to Jan 2022. I noted you probably included the property sale and profit + capital invested in your property.
So with a net decrease in profit by 30% in equity + gains in your property sale, you had a 500k increase in NW . As your portfolio is >$1m , can i correct assume your post about networth is actually the total value of equity portfolio. Ande it goes up and down (with sales and purchase of equity ), your “NW” swings quite a lot.
If so, then maybe it would be helpful to other readers and myself to clarity your networth stated here is really the value of your current equity holdings now. Not your “real” worth.
I am quite sure you are much richer than what you have posted ! 🙂 🙂
Well done for 2022 ! seems like you have done quite well overall.
All the best for 2023 ! You look set to do well
Hi C Game
Thanks for the suggestion and noted on being more clear about it. I will clarify it being the equity networth for it going forward.
Thanks and have a great 2023 ahead.